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Dnes je: 2. december 2024     Meniny oslavuje: Bibiana

Zoεpédia - náhodný výber: Liturgické postoje -..., Trojica - antitrinit..., Jozef Maretta – Prav....     pohľadnice

01.10.2001 | PaedDr. František Dancák | Čítanosť(7948)
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Existuje diabol?

Dokument: (cca 82 kB)

The authtor of the paper „Is there a devil?“ gives teaching about fallen spirits and their working in the world. They are shoun truths dearly contained in biblical books and thoughtful theology which are taught by the Magistry of Church. The paper does not demand full ex­planation of demondogy. It only wants to say that theology would al­ways be incomplete and uncomprehensible while it does not start to throw light on the world of angels. Christology ignoring satan is in­correct and can never understand the range of salvation.

Zdroj: Theologos 2001, č. 3.
Autor: PaedDr. František Dancák - všetky články od tohto autora (8)

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