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Dnes je: 11. september 2024     Meniny oslavuje: Bystrík

Zoεpédia - náhodný výber: Veľká streda, Žaltár, Boh - poznanie Boha.     pohľadnice

30.04.2005 | ThDr. Marcel Mojzeš, PhD. | Čítanosť(8698)
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Liturgická teológia a jej miesto v systéme teologických vied

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This article offers a presentation of the liturgical theology and its place in the system of theological studies. It is a new theological discipline practiced and developed besides others by A. Schmemann (1921-1983). The liturgical theology differs from the liturgics, because of its own methodology: The liturgical theology considers the whole liturgical tradition as a locus theologicus.  It differs form the theology of liturgy, too. The purpose of the theology of liturgy is to answer the question what’s the theology of liturgy itself (theologia secunda).  On the other side, the purpose of the liturgical theology is to rediscover the faith of the Church (theologia prima) expressed by the liturgical tradition (lectures, liturgical texts, Fathers, icons).

Zdroj: Theologos 2005, č. 1.
Autor: ThDr. Marcel Mojzeš, PhD. - všetky články od tohto autora (3)

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